Signature desserts by Monica Pușcoiu

Signature desserts by Monica Pușcoiu

Signature desserts by Monica Pușcoiu

Cakes with empathy for any health condition and age.

We like sweets a lot and we could not imagine a happy life without them. But at the same time, we are extremely aware of the society in which we live and in which we have chosen to put our passion to work and to sweeten others. A few clarifications about this delicate context:

  1. The latest statistics on celiac disease (autoimmune gluten intolerance) speak of an incidence of 1% of the population. There have been market research since 2019, and the situation clearly did not improve until 2023, especially against the background of the increase in the notoriety of this disease all over the world and in Romania, which has led to an investigation and, consequently, diagnosis, increasingly sustained. And this 1% did not include gluten-sensitive patients, a condition that does not cause as much harm to the body as celiac, but still leaves significant marks on health and quality of life.
  2. An address of the Ministry of Education sent to the schools in November 2022 mentioned “the significant number of children / pupils in Romanian education diagnosed with celiac disease”, asking the pre-university education units to pay special attention to the collaboration with their families, as well as informing and training school staff about the specificity of this disease and avoiding situations of risk of contamination of these students. And even if the ministry’s address does not include any statistics or estimated number of children affected by the celiac disease in the Romanian system, this very act of correspondence must clearly show us that the situation is a worthy one to take into account.
  3. The number of patients with diabetes reported in the first six months of 2022 was 1,100,000, compared to 800,000 patients registered in the National Health Insurance House database in previous years, according to a statement by the president of the institution. Whether Romanians have started to be more conscientious with investigating the state of health, or that the scourge of diabetes has spread amid an unhealthy lifestyle, the fact is that the population suffers in a greater proportion than was known in the past.

In these circumstances, what should we have done, with our desire to enjoy the sweet lovers in Romania? Let’s work more and more creatively for this dream! Let’s imagine deliciously safe products for all ages, including those whose special health conditions steal the pleasure of enjoying a dessert.

Thus was born, under the ALMOND brand, the wonderful signature DESSERTS by Monica Puşcoiu range, a series of cakes and snacks based on almond-feeding flour, safe for gluten intolerant people, in combination with surprising natural ingredients that replace sugar, to the silence of the food. but also to the delight of those who are forbidden the sweet spice.

SIGNATURE DESSERTS: Intense and healthy aroma for longer

Did you know that almond flour has a glycaemic index of almost 1?(If you follow a keto diet, of course you knew.) Yes, one, while wheat flour has an index of 71! In terms of the impact these two types of flour have on blood glucose, the difference is enormous. Almond flour is the first in the top of the recommended meal by nutritionists in preparing products for patients suffering from type 2 diabetes. It was a revelation and a great joy for us to discover its qualities!

Monica Puşcoiu, the creative core of ALMOND:I just love almond flour! Apart from being safe for gluten-intolerant people and very versatile and friendly in the recipe making process, it also has an incredible advantage: due to its high fat content – and everyone knows how much good almond fat is – this flour helps retain moisture in the product, so it extends its shelf life!”

Now imagine you bought your favourite cake on your way home from the office, but preparing dinner and sitting at the table took some time, then fatigue, or maybe, the feeling of guilt that it’s too late for something so delicious convinced you to leave the cake for coffee tomorrow morning. How great is the disappointment if, the next morning, you would not find it syruped, but sad and dry? The ALMOND deserts will not make you such a “surprise”!

In addition to enriching the flavour of the composition, almond flour keeps a cake fresh for the whole day! Almost all of our products are made exclusively with almond flour, and our colleagues in the cake shop will guide you how to choose the best for your health or your loved one when buying a dessert or snack.

The signature DESSERTS by Monica Puscoiu product range, with almond flour and no sugar, includes cakes: Mulholland Red, Minion MiniCake, the Secret Carrot Cake, muffins: Malaya Muffin, Peruvian Muffin, English Muffin, Italian Muffins and snacks: Yummy sticks and Fairy biscuits.

All ingredients of the products are available for consultation in the cake shop and online.