If a loved one put a slice of the most spectacular cake you’ve ever seen, what would be the thought that would stop you from getting your hand on the spoon: “It seems fainting sweet…”, “God, how many calories does it have?”, “it looks too good, these things can’t be natural!”, “sugar will take me by the head again, and I won’t be human the rest of the day…” and it’s understandable, really.
Because, on the one hand, we have been bombarded with “spectacular cakes” in recent years (decade?), since the Romanian confectionery industry has grown in resources and the public’s gastronomic education has been enriched (but not necessarily “improved”), mainly due to travel across the globe.
And, on the other hand, we are going through an intense period – perhaps even more intense in “flavour” and ardour than any of our cakes – of nutritional education, sometimes made in the first place. we are witnessing an explosion of specialists disseminating more than ever information aimed at raising public awareness of the importance, composition and hidden dangers of what you have on your plate.
Both trends are understandable and extremely useful for building a responsible sweet consumer, for turning a heartless appetite into a wise cookie lover. On one condition: That both are experienced with balance and weighed with their own filters. Only then with the papillae.
ALMOND – the limitless savour of the unculled dessert
Let’s say that our goal, when we created ALMOND, was to educate the Romanian public in relation to deserts would be a grandiosity. For now, we are conducting this process at a micro level, in our community in Bucharest.
But what we wanted to do we succeeded: To offer Romanians, regardless of their age (yes, even to very young ones) and their health status, a safe and spectacular alternative (because a cake is enjoyed by the eyes, right?) for those moments when you want something sweet.
We have created a highly rewarding range of nourishing products that can also function as a refresher snack, not just as rewarding treats. Our main ingredient – and not just because it’s our soulful ingredient, because of its versatility, but also considering its health benefits – is almond flour. We put it in compositions that the public would never think of when they wanted a dessert – along with spinach, beets, sweet potato, hazelnut paste – and we are very successful with these products, especially in people with diabetes, with weight problems and gluten intolerant ones.
And so it should be: Any cookie enthusiast should get the right option to sweeten! This tempers his appetite surplus, educates his appetite, balances him, turns him into a follower of quality desserts, made with responsibility and ingredients that serve his health.
Now, when someone puts a spectacular cake in front of you, don’t the first thought is: “I hope it’s from Almond.”